We know the enrollment process and transition to College can be confusing, so we have compiled this list of commonly asked questions and their answers to help you get a better idea of what to expect and direct you to where you can find more information; topics covered here include:

  • Summer To-Dos, Move-in, and Orientation
  • Living on Campus
  • Academics, Advising, and Registration
  • Student Support
  • Getting Involved on Campus
  • Transportation and Getting Around Town
  • Technology
  • Billing & Student Accounts

Summer To-Dos, Move-in, and Orientation

I will be out of the country/without cell service/internet during the time that forms are due; what happens if I miss a deadline?

You will typically have at least a month to take care of each summer to-do list item; online forms become available in late May/early June. It is very important that you, the student, take the lead on completing your own forms so that you are matched with a roommate and advisor that are good fits. We do, however, understand that sometimes travel abroad or to remote areas may complicate this. In advance of the forms being due, please contact the appropriate office to make necessary arrangements for form submission or set-up a form proxy; notifying us after the deadline has passed may mean we are unable to accommodate your requests.

When is Orientation? What should I expect? When should I plan to arrive? Can I request early arrival?

Required New Student Orientation (NSO) begins on Monday, August 19 and runs through August 24; NSO is a week-long program that is required for all new students. During NSO, you will get to know more about the college, how to navigate campus resources, and meet new friends. A tentative schedule of NSO is available here.

Dates for Winter Start Orientation 2025 are TBA. A sample WSO Schedule can be found online.

What happens if I miss the required NSO/WSO sessions or cannot attend NSO/WSO?

NSO/WSO is a required program for all new students; should you miss a required session, you will be contacted to make up the session at some point during your first semester. 

How long should my family stay for NSO? What events can they attend?

Family Orientation Programming will be offered the day of the student's move-in as well as online throughout the year. 

What is a Priddy Experience?

The “Priddy Experience” takes place during the week of NSO / WSO and provides a unique orientation experience to each incoming student. “Priddy” as it is more commonly known, is often the highlight of a student's introduction to Colorado Springs and helps ease their transition to college. Students are placed into smaller “Priddy Groups” of 10-12 students and participate in half day Service, Local and Outdoor programs; students work closely with a variety of non-profit organizations to give back to the community, explore the region as a group, and immerse themselves in the local community by exploring downtown and hiking the trails in our nearby parks and open spaces.

Throughout these days together, groups begin building relationships with their fellow classmates and gain insight from their upper-class leaders. Group reflections and discussion surrounding academics and the culture at CC are a large part of the program and provide opportunities for incoming students to begin goal setting and preparing for their upcoming first year of college. We hope that through the Priddy Experience, we can create a fun, safe, and welcoming environment for all incoming students.

I'm a WSO student; when are my forms due?

We are excited to see you on campus in January! Keep an eye on your email in late fall for more information on what you need to submit. For an idea of what kind of information you will need, visit the Summer To-Dos for the Fall NSO Orientation.

The majority of your forms are also do over the summer unless otherwise noted on the CC Bound Dates, Deadlines & To-dos page in bold font that reads "Winter Start Students" in the explanation section.

Living On Campus

How do you match roommates? When will I get my room and roommate(s) assignment?

Housing and roommates are based on the information you submit with your online housing agreement. We assign you with an optimal roommate pairing based on the answers you give to the online questions. So be honest about who you are and how you expect to use your room when completing the form in order to get the best match. You can expect to receive your room and roommate assignment in early August.

I don't think my room assignment/roommate is a good fit for me. Can I change it?

It's hard to know if it's a fit before you get here. Keep an open mind, get to know your roommate(s), hallmates, and resident advisor, participate in hall events and programs, and it may feel like home in no time! You're always welcome to talk to your RA or residential life coordinator to get advice on how best to get settled and make your living space work for you once you are on campus. We believe that it's important for students to learn to navigate differences, communicate effectively, and confront situations that might be impacting their living environment; as such, we do not accommodate room/roommate changes over the summer.

What are the rules of the halls?

The Pathfinder student handbook outlines campus policies and procedures pertaining to student honor and community standards, which all students are expected to abide by. The Pathfinder is available online and should be reviewed by incoming students prior to their arrival on campus. The expectations for students living on and off campus can also be found in The Pathfinder.

What should I bring with me to CC? How much will fit in my room?

We suggest that students wait until they get to campus to make some of their purchases so that they can view their room, talk with their roommate(s), and make the best choices for what to include in their space. There are, however, a few items that you can expect to need to make your room feel more like home:

  • Illness Prevention Supplies (including: masks, hand sanitizer, a thermometer, alcohol wipes, and gloves: read more in the answer below)
  • Bedding - sheets, pillow, pillowcase, blanket, mattress pad
  • Caddy to store/carry shower items
  • Cleaning supplies (broom, dustpan, sanitation wipes)
  • Desk lamp (no plastic shades allowed)
  • Desk/Office supplies - pens, pencils, organizers, small stapler, etc.
  • Fan
  • Toiletries
  • Hangers
  • Headphones
  • Laundry detergent
  • Iron (although there are typically irons available in residence halls)
  • Laundry basket/bag
  • Sewing kit
  • Swimsuit
  • Towels and washcloths
  • UL-approved power strip with a surge protector

Can I ship my belongings to campus in advance?

Yes. Incoming students who wish to ship items ahead of their arrival for classes may not have a Campus Mailbox assigned to them until the end of July. Beginning August 1, the CC Mail Room will begin accepting packages on behalf of new students; please make sure that you include your CC Box number if you have it. If you are unsure of your number, include "HOLD FOR INCOMING STUDENT" on the outside of the box and shipping label. Packages should be mailed to:

Your Name - CC Box number (if you have it)
Colorado College
819 N Tejon St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80946

Do I have a meal plan? How does it work?

If you are enrolled in courses at CC a meal plan has been charged to your student account and payment is due, along with tuition and fees, by the stated deadlines. The meal plan dollars will automatically be loaded to your CC ID card. You can use these dollars in on-campus venues only. All students living on-campus have the same, declining balance meal plan. If you live off campus or in Senior cottage housing, you have not been charged for a meal plan. If you would like a meal plan, contact the Student Accounts Office.


Academics, Advising, and Registration

What First-Year Program (FYP) courses are available? Which FYP course should I select? What is the likelihood I will get into my top choice? What is the process for FYP preregistration? When do I select courses and when will I be notified?

We're excited to offer you a vibrant, intellectually challenging selection of First-Year Program (FYP - CC100/120) courses. You can find the FYP courses available for first-year students here: list of FYP courses. Fall advising/pre-registration instructions can be found in the Summer To-Do list in Canvas. Please refer to all instructions and deadline dates included in the Advising Module. For any additional questions, please contact the Advising Hub at advisinghub@corporatefilmfest.com.

How does the Open Advising and Enrollment Period Work?

The Fall advising/pre-registration instructions can be found in the Summer To-Do in Canvas. Please refer to all instructions and deadline dates included in the Advising Module. For any additional questions, please contact the Advising Hub at advisinghub@corporatefilmfest.com

What are the General Education Requirements? Do FYP courses count toward other General Education Requirements?

The General Education Requirements are the requirements that all students must complete in order to be awarded a bachelor's degree from Colorado College. More information can be found at the General Education Requirements Page.


When will I find out who my faculty advisor is?

All incoming students will be assigned a pre-major faculty advisor in late August, and they will reach out to you in block one to schedule a meeting. If you have any questions, concerns, or general inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Advising Hub.



Does everybody have to take the math self-assessment?

No! The math self-assessment is optional but is encouraged for students who will be majoring in economics, math, and sciences. It takes about 60-90 minutes and will provide important information to help you be more successful at Colorado College. The in-person assessment during NSO is the first of two tries that you get with the math self-assessment, and your best score will be shared with your advisor.

To request disability-related accommodations for this assessment (e.g., extended time), please contact the Office of Accessibility Resources as soon as possible at accessibilityresources@corporatefilmfest.com or (719) 227-8285. For questions not related to accommodations, please contact Steve Getty.

How do I get my AP/IB/other advanced coursework to transfer to CC?

Depending upon the type of credit(s) you are looking to transfer to CC the process may look a little different but will require official documentation provided by the College Board, your IB coordinator, or your previous institution's Registrar's Office via an official transcript. You can find more information about what qualifies for advanced credit and how to receive these credits on the Registrar's website. While there no deadline, other than before graduation, by which you need to submit a request for advanced credit, a first year student can only transfer in a maximum of 8 CC units and transfer students can only transfer in a maximum of 16 CC units.

Student Support

How do I arrange for disability-related accommodations and services (e.g., extended time for exams, note-taking support, audio formats of text, access to housing)? When should I request disability-related support?

Accessibility Resources values a collaborative process in their work with students, so please contact their staff to talk about your request for support services. More information is available on the Accessibility Resources Registering for Services website, including contact information. While students can register with Accessibility Resources at any time during their enrollment at Colorado College, incoming first-year and transfer students who are requesting accommodations are encouraged to connect with Accessibility Resources as early as possible after confirming enrollment into Colorado College, preferably by June 30.

What type of documentation is required in order to receive disability-related accommodations and services at Colorado College?

General documentation guidelines can be found on the Accessibility Resources Documentation Guidelines. Students are encouraged to contact Accessibility Resources for guidance on the documentation needed for their individual situations.

Where do I go if I'm not feeling well? How do I make an appointment with the Student Health Center?

If a student is not feeling well, they are encouraged to seek medical support from the Student Health Center, which is open Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday: Noon. to 5 p.m. An appointment is highly recommended for weekdays; on weekends, no appointment is required but students may be subject to a longer wait time as they will be seen in the order they arrive.

Where do I go if I am struggling academically?

Students who experience academic difficulty have a multitude of resources available to support their success. A good first step is to to seek advice and information at the first sign of trouble by making an appointment with their faculty advisor or with their advisor at the Student Opportunities and Advising Hub so that the difficulty can be assessed and appropriate support and referrals offered. Additionally, students are encouraged to take advantage of the many resources available in the Colket Center for Academic Excellence.

What is the Colket Center for Academic Excellence?

The Colket Center for Academic Excellence provides students with free academic support for reading, writing, quantitative reasoning, and general study skills across the curriculum. The Center includes the Quantitative Reasoning Center (QRC), the Writing Center, a Speaking Center, a GIS Lab, and the Office Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education, and is staffed by professionals and student tutors. The Quantitative Reasoning Center (QRC) offers tutorials by peer and professional staff for students in mathematics, science, computer science, social sciences, and other quantitative classes. The Writing Center offers students feedback on their writing in one-to-one consultations, addressing any type of writing at any stage of the writing process.

Getting Involved on Campus

How can I get involved on campus?

Colorado College provides many opportunities for students to get involved both in and outside of the classroom. One of the main ways to participate in campus life is through student organizations, which provide students the chance to build lifelong friendships, grow personally, develop as leader, engage in community service, and much, much more. A list of student organizations is available on the Campus Activities webpage.

In September and January, you are encouraged to attend Campus Activities Night for a chance to explore what each organization has to offer and to sign up for an interest meeting.

Other opportunities for involvement on campus include student employment, athletics (varsity, club, and intramural), fitness classes, performing arts groups, academic research, and arts and crafts... just to name a few.

What is there to do on campus and around town? Where can I find out what is going on?

CC has a vibrant campus life with a wide variety of community-wide programs, from music festivals to lectures to plays and more. Students can find out what is going on by reading Today at CC, the student event digest. Should students be interested in taking advantage of activities off campus, the Peak Radar Calendar offers a good overview of what is happening around town. Additionally, the Collaborative for Community Engagement can help plug students into community-based learning and service opportunities to help address some of Colorado Springs most pressing needs.

Can I work on campus? If so, what paperwork do I need to bring with me?

Yes, students can, and do, work on campus, but must be enrolled at least half time to be eligible for a campus job. The college makes every effort to provide employment opportunities, but the student is responsible for finding a job. Review the Student Job Listings Page for current employment opportunities. Once you are hired and before you start working, you must: complete the Student Employee Packet listed on the Student Employment Page and submit the completed packet to the Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment in person and with your original, unexpired identification documents and then have your supervisor complete an Electronic Personnel Action Form.

What are "block breaks"? Can I stay on campus? What is there to do over these breaks?

On the fourth week of every block, from Wednesday at noon, school's out and students are on a break until classes begin the following Monday. After that final exam, presentation, or paper, many students take advantage of this time to explore the Southwest and its mountains, canyons, or national parks or to enjoy some well-deserved rest right at home in Colorado Springs. The Office of Campus Activities always hosts free low-key and local day-trips over Block Breaks. Students can stay on campus during block breaks. During the longer Fall, Winter, and Spring Breaks, however, students will have to communicate with their residential life coordinator (RLC) to get approval to stay on campus.

Transportation and Getting Around

Can I have a car on campus? What about a bike?

Colorado College does not allow first-year students to have a car on campus, and most students do not feel that they need one. Bikes are allowed for any student. To minimize and prevent theft, Campus Safety encourages everyone to use a U-lock to lock up your bike.

How can I get around campus and town?

Our campus is compact enough that walking from one end to the other only takes 10 minutes or so, but many students choose to use a bike or a skateboard instead.

CC is centrally located in downtown Colorado Springs, which means there are several restaurants and stores within walking distance (~10-15 minutes on foot) from campus. Should you need to get further afield from campus, you can ride a bike or a city bus, use a rideshare app, or ask an upper-division student with a car for a ride.

  • By Bike: PikeRide is a city-wide bike share program that allows CC students to use the bikes at no cost. There are two bike stations on campus for students to easily check out and in a bike rental. Sign-up opportunities will be available at NSO. Should students want to bring their own bike to campus, there are several parking areas on campus. Students should purchase a U-lock to help prevent theft.
  • By Bus: Mountain Metro Transit offers free bus transportation for CC students around Colorado Springs thanks to a paid partnership with the college. All CC students need to do is show their CC ID/Gold Card when boarding the bus.
  • By RideShare Apps: Most commonly used rideshare apps are available in and around Colorado Springs.

How do I get to CC from the airport?

The Worner Desk coordinates free or low-cost, one-way shuttles to the Denver and Colorado Springs airports for Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer Breaks. These shuttles run after the afternoon classes finish and again the following morning. Shuttle schedules are advertised to students through the student and block break email digests. Return transportation to campus is the responsibility of the student.

Other transportation options for the Colorado Springs and Denver airports include:


When will I get my CC email address?

If you committed to attending CC on or before May 1, we anticipate being able to share your CC login credentials in late May or early June. If you made the decision to attend after May 1, it might take a bit longer to receive your CC credentials, but you will still be able to access many of the forms you need to complete via the Basecamp Admission Portal/Slate.

My CC password isn't working; what should I do?

First, make sure you're using the correct account; your CC login and password is different than the one you've been using in the Basecamp Admission Portal/Slate. If you're sure you're using the correct account, contact ITS: at its@corporatefilmfest.com or (719) 389-6449 for a password reset. They will ask you for identity verification (usually taking a picture of yourself holding up a photo ID next to your face and sending it from another email address). The ITS: Solutions Center is open Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.



Billing and Student Accounts

When and how will I receive the tuition and fees billing statement for Fall Semester? When is payment in full due for Fall Semester? Do you offer a payment plan?

For information on tuition and fees for the Fall semester, due dates, and payment plans, visit the Financial Aid website.



Will my financial aid be deducted from my balance due?

Yes, if you have accepted your award and completed all the required paperwork, your aid will be deducted from the balance due on your Fall Semester billing statement. If financial aid is NOT reflected on the billing statement you must contact the Financial Aid Office immediately to resolve the issue. Payment due dates must be adhered to or the student will be responsible for late fees incurred on their account and may face probation/suspension from the college. It is critical that all financial aid documentation is completed before the student arrives on campus!

Have a question not on this list? Feel free to reach out to the appropriate campus office or email orientation@corporatefilmfest.com to get pointed in the right direction.

Report an issue - Last updated: 07/01/2024